Freshman homeroom 105 recalled from memory (perhaps with errors). Original seating configuration:


Miller, Larry Giles Choromanskis Adams
Starks Miller, Roger Hall Ciaraldi Albert
Stenglein Moffatt Holowka Clement Alchowiak
Struble Moore Jankowski Coco Alquist
Szarlacki Moran Kress Copeland Andolina
Szymula Oberst Kronson Critelli, Mike
Tedone Palma LaCombe Critelli, Paul Ange
Thomas Panaro Larew Crouse Arcarese
Wroblewski Pero LeRoy Dennehy Archetko
Zito Ruffino Lidfeldt Dorofy Blake

Soehner McGregor Englert

McLaughlin Enos Cellura


Many were not in the graduating class



Hard to believe we had about 50 boys in our freshman homeroom, of which 46 graduated. That is now approximately equal to the total number of boys in the entire graduating class.